In October 2016 I attended Society of Adventist Communicators in Denver, Colorado. There were workshops all weekend on how to communicate better through different ways, such as photography for news stories and writing for app content. The last evening there, they gave out awards. As they started reading their description for the student of the year award, I realized they were talking about me! The award says "For your unique combination of creative talent, warm welcoming personality, and genuine concern for undeserved people."
I couldn't believe it! Of course, the award should really go to my professors at Southern Adventist University. They taught me most of what I took into the field. As I stood there accepting my award, I realized that exactly one year before I attended SAC for the first time. It was during then I met my boss and applied for the job I ended up getting, and where I work now. My oh my have things gone a long way in one year.
Society of Adventist Communicators on October 2016 in Denver, CO.